A New Leaf Painting CLUB 50 Referral Program

A New Leaf Painting friends and customers have the opportunity to earn a $50.00 referral bonus for referring A New Leaf Painting to others.

Interested in easily making a bunch of referrals at one time? Just “Like” A New Leaf Painting on Facebook by CLICKING HERE and then “Share” a post about A New Leaf Painting with all your friends. For an added impact, tag a few of your closest friends in the post. I make a habit of asking every new customer how they heard of A New Leaf Painting, so if your name comes up I promise to send your bonus if I complete their job.

The referring individual may choose to receive their bonus in the form of an Amazon Gift Card, Publix Gift Card or a check from A New Leaf Painting.

  • There is no limit to the number of times an individual can take advantage of the referral incentive program.
  • It is up to the referring individual to apply for their referral bonus by completing the referral form (found below).

A New Leaf Painting promises to faithfully honor the integrity of this referral program. Please email if you have any questions and thanks in advance for your referrals.

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