Like small businesses everywhere, we are working quickly to modify how we serve you and, at the same time, support your health, our staff, and our community.

We are offering heavy discounts on immediate job bookings, including exterior painting, interior and cabinet refinishing — which mainly includes work in our shop, not in your home. See below for details on how we can complete your job with little or NO in-person contact.

We have been doing virtual cabinet estimates for years. With photos and information provided by you, we can provide a firm and accurate estimate with NO SITE VISIT NEEDED.

  1. We can talk to you about your project and provide an estimate with no in-person contact needed.
  2. Our contracts are signed online, and you are invoiced by email.
  3. Most cabinet work is done at our shop, not in your home. The onsite portion of the job can be completed in 2-3 days and your kitchen will be contained from the rest of the home.
  4. We will use our zip wall containment system to seal off the kitchen from the rest of the home (this is standard). If you have garage access to the kitchen, we will never have to step foot in the other areas of your home.
  5. We will use our filtered exhaust system to remove fumes and dead air from the kitchen (this is standard).
  6. We will use all safety standards recommended by the CDC. We will maintain a distance of 6 feet from our clients and frequently sanitize our hands. Upon request, we can also wear full-body suits and gloves while working in your home.
  7. We will sanitize and disinfect the work area when we are finished.

Please request a virtual estimate for cabinet refinishing, exterior painting, and interior painting today. Call 904-615-6599 — Robert is ready to help you.

Also please consider requesting exterior estimates. Exterior painting and internal projects in empty homes or properties can be done in person with zero human contact. We can paint and disinfect, all without seeing you and or take the precautionary measure to keep things clean and safe.

Even if you are not ready to begin a project, we can still estimate it for you and schedule it for when the dust settles.

To receive an estimate, simply visit our website,, or call 904-615-6599 and speak with Robert.

Please support your local blue-collar businesses, like ours. Our hourly workers and their families depend on a weekly paycheck to make ends meet.

We see and understand these are uncertain times. However, we still believe great things are ahead!


Thomas Drake

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