A lot of our posts are about walls: paint colors for walls, best time of year to paint your home’s exterior, that kind of thing. But there’s another surface on your house that can benefit from a new coat of paint. It’s your hardwood floors. By using a simple technique to create a whitewash effect on your floor, you can give your home a bright, summery overhaul, one that is attractive, long lasting, and easy to clean. It’s the perfect look for the beach, and for Jacksonville, FL weather. A New Leaf Painting will be happy to do this paint job for you, but we’re also glad to share the secrets if you want to try this floor paint project yourself.

  1. Prepare the Floor. You’ve got to sand off every bit of varnish from your floor till the surface is raw and ready to accept paint. I would recommend an electronic floor sander if you have more than a small room to sand. Wipe up any dust with a wet towel and tack paper.
  2. Mix the Paint. Use 2 to 3 parts white latex paint to 1 part water. This diluted white paint will take on the appearance of a traditional lime whitewash when applied correctly.
  3. Paint the Floor. Use a large brush and paint the solution with the grain of the wood, a little at a time. Then wipe the paint away with a wet towel. As you go, you’ll see that a little white paint is left behind, but that the wood grain still shows through. You can play with the thickness of each coat to get your desired appearance.
  4. Seal the Floor. Use polyurethane or other desired sealant. Once dried, apply a second coat. When your floor is sealed and dry, then just enjoy your beautiful new floor.

Whitewash or “pickling” a hardwood floor is one of my favorite interior design ideas. It’s perfect for the appearance of many houses in sunny Florida, and it’s an underused technique many people are just learning about and enjoying in their own homes. A New Leaf Painting is a group of local painters and contractors who can do this job in no time if you don’t want to tackle it yourself. Feel free to give us a call to learn more about this and other projects to beautify your home!

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