When you’re deciding how to paint a room, what do you consider? If you’re like most people, you choose paint colors that you’re comfortable with, that aren’t too extreme, and that match your furnishings. But the wall paint color you choose can affect your mood and even your productivity. Let’s pretend that you own an advertising agency, and you’re getting ready to choose new paint colors. You want a color scheme that’ll convey the vigorous, creative, and innovative approach your firm takes. You’ve narrowed the decision down to two colors: a bright yellow and a dark blue. Which should you choose?
Ever wonder why legal pads are yellow?
Yellow has been shown to stimulate creativity. It enhances concentration (ever wonder why legal pads are yellow?) and it can also make an environment feel more cheerful. But it can also cause eye fatigue and feelings of irritability because it reflects such a high amount of light.
Could having “the blues” make you more productive?
Blue has been proven to increase productivity and to have a calming effect. The latter is because it produces feelings of security and serenity. People who are exposed to the color blue also tend to eat less, so if you want your employees to spend less time eating, you might go for the color blue. (No, we’re not suggesting you starve your employees.)
So which color is best for your firm? Both colors have their merits, but if your business relies on creativity and quick thinking, we’d suggest you go with yellow for your wall paint color. Of course, if you also happen to own an investment firm that’s looking for new paint colors, blue might be just the ticket. Your clients will appreciate the feeling of security, and subconsciously, they’re more likely to trust their brokers when their consultation takes place in a blue room.
For the purposes of our little case study, we’ve dealt with choosing paint colors for a business, but the same principles can apply to your home. Getting ready to paint your craft room? Yellow might be just the ticket to take your craft projects to the next level. Need to paint your home office? You guessed it - blue could be your secret weapon to staying a little calmer while balancing your budget.
For more suggestions on how to paint a room, or if you just need a little help with your project, give us a call at 1-888-PAINTING. We proudly serve the Jacksonville, FL area. Our licensed painters are anxious to hear your vision for your home, and they've got plenty of interior design ideas that can help you bring it to life!