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Sometimes you don't need to get all new interior paint because, by painting a single wall, you can achieve the transformative power of the accent wall. Using accent colors to update the look of your home is economical and adventurous. Accent colors are typically a little bolder, a little brighter than a color you would pick for an entire room. That being the case, have fun with your accent wall. It can bring a burst of personality to any room in the house. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when looking for accent wall painting ideas.
- Color and Room Size. Bold, rich colors tend to make a wall seem closer to you than it is. In this way, a deep red color may actually make your room seem smaller, if you paint the wrong wall. But the same color may be the perfect selection for the far wall in a long narrow room, creating a sense of balance in a room that is otherwise difficult to decorate and furnish. "Cold" colors work the other way. Light blues, creams, and similarly cool colors will make a room seem bigger. Small apartments and tiny houses can seem expanded to great effect with this technique.
- Pick the Right Color for the Right Light. When picking accent colors, plan bright, rich colors for rooms that don't get a lot of direct sunlight. Light, cool colors work better for rooms that are bright enough already from a south-facing window. In such rooms, a bright color would make the room feel hot and stuffy, while a cool color might make a dim room seem like a refrigerator.
- Pick a "Feature" Wall. I always advise people to pick an accent wall that already has a focal piece built in. Maybe it's the wall with the fireplace, or the wall hanging your TV. Whatever the wall's "feature", you don't want an accent wall competing with it. By joining your accent with your feature, your room will feel balanced and natural.
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In the end, go with the accent color you feel happiest about. These painting tips tend to make the choice easier for our clients. For more information, check out part 2 in our Beginner's Guide to Accent Wall Paint Colors! If you have any questions about accent wall placement or color choice, feel free to give us a call at A New Leaf. We proudly serve the Jacksonville, FL area and can help you with this or any other painting project today!