There are literally millions of colors, shades, and tones you can extract from a color wheel. We can mix up any shade of paint you can imagine. With all of the endless variety, how can you possibly decide? There are plenty of painting projects to choose from, and different sets of colors are appropriate for each. If you are having trouble coming up with paint color inspiration, we suggest that you look to nature.

The natural world is a source of beauty that has been inspiring people for as long as we have been around. It's actually where we get all of our ideas about color and composition. Modern technology makes this process even easier. For example, there are plenty of color and paint apps out there that can extract specific colors from photographs that you find particularly beautiful.

"Kuler" is the one I use (available with most smartphones). When I need color ideas to spruce up my bathroom, or give my kitchen cabinets a new look, I head out to my garden and fire up the camera on my phone. This past fall, I pulled up some rainbow carrots and took a quick snapshot. In a few seconds, my app had isolated a pale purple, verdant green, chocolate earth brown, and the pale orange yellow of one of the carrots. I took several other inspiring photos, but these colors became the palette for my kids' playroom.

Every season is a rich tapestry of color inspirations. I especially like finding colors in beach scenes, when my family takes a day to enjoy the water. But you don't have to limit yourself to natural colors, of course. Do you enjoy the coloration of a local coffee shop? A historical building? An old dress from your great-aunt's attic? Apps like Kuler can pull inspiring color combinations out of any source. Get creative and see what pops out to you.

Inspiration can come from anywhere, but smartphone app technology like this makes it a lot easier. Apps like this typically save your favorite colors in your user account, so you can always come back later to see what you've saved. Sometimes, you'll see themes over time, colors that pop up again and again in your snapshots. Identifying a pattern like this sometimes shows you a color you find particularly beautiful or satisfying, even if you didn't realize it before.

If you live in or around the Jacksonville, FL area, be sure to bring us all of your custom color inspiration ideas! We can match any color you can find. We can also help you find new ideas for finding the best coloration for any room or service in need of a paint job. We can create any paint work you can imagine, so get inspired. We'll do the rest.

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