Dunn-Edwards Gets LEED Gold Certificate for Manufacturing Plant

Dunn-Edwards has been awarded the coveted LEED Gold Certification established by the U.S. Green Building Council and verified by the Green Building Certification Institute for its new manufacturing facility. Located in Phoenix, the 336,000-sq.-ft. plant was custom designed to be the greenest and most efficient in the coatings industry, and is the world's first LEED-certified paint manufacturing facility. The ultra-modern building encompasses manufacturing, product development, quality control laboratories, a distribution center, and retail outlet and office space. LEED is the nation's preeminent program for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings.

"We have incorporated innovative, energy-efficient equipment and protocols, such as unique high-efficiency process equipment with integrated dust-suppression technology, so that no particulates are emitted to ambient air, and advanced wastewater recycling techniques to conserve water. Our systems are classified as ultra-low discharge, meaning that waste generation is virtually eliminated," said Karl Altergott, President.

Could You Use the Help of a Professional Painting Contractor?

Another great way to guarantee top-notch green painting results is to hire a reputable painting company in Jacksonville, FL. If you live in the Jacksonville, FL, area we hope you might contact us at A New Leaf Painting, LLC, we offer many green painting solutions. Call your local painters in Jacksonville FL for more information call 904-330-0084.

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